Access & Infrastructure
Buffalo Place has a long-time interest in supporting Downtown occupancy and vitality by investigating and addressing access and infrastructure issues. Board members note considerable interest in Downtown as a place to work and locate a company, but building owners, managers, and employers must be able to explain how employees will travel to and from Downtown.
Buffalo Place also tracks availability, pricing, and contact information for publicly available parking and advocates for opening closed streets, converting one-way streets into two-way streets, and freeing up parking lots for development by consolidating parking into structures using a smaller proportion of Downtown’s limited land area.
2016-2018 Downtown Access Study
An Access & Infrastructure Committee of Downtown stakeholders, advocates and public sector officials researched the access issue, considered options for improvement, and crafted a set of recommendations with a goal of supporting continued Downtown occupancy and growth.
The Committee heard from building owners, employers and realtors who emphasized that lack of sufficient parking is an impediment to increased Downtown activity. They also heard from advocates who encouraged the leveraging of access alternatives, including public transit, bicycle, and shared automobile use. The Committee concluded that there is no silver bullet that solves the access issue. Rather, there is a need to advance a wide-ranging coordinated program that addresses both traditional and non-traditional access options.
The comprehensive Access Study of Downtown is posted below.
- 1-3-2019 Downtown Access Study Transmittal Letter to City
- 2016-2018 Downtown Access Study Executive Summary
- 2016-2018 Downtown Access Study Report
- 2016-2018 Downtown Access Study Appendices
- Downtown Buffalo Employee 2018 Transportation Mode Survey Results
Other Access & Infrastructure Reports
- 2024-25 Publicly Available Parking - Map and list of parking facilities with contact information and pricing
- 2015 Pedestrian Study
Changes in Off-Street Parking Supply, Price and Utilization
- Map - Change in All Parking Supply 2013-19
- Map - Change in Publicly Available Parking Supply 2013-19
- Map - Change in Parking Occupancy 2013-19
- Map - Change in All Parking Supply 2017-19
- Map - Change in Publicly Available Parking Supply 2017-19
- Map - Change in Parking Occupancy 2017-19
- Map - Change in hourly parking cost 2013-18
- Map - Change in monthly parking cost 2013-18